Version Controlled, Model-BasedCMS.

Nyana is a Markup processor & web-editor for Writing & Publishing Model-Based, Version controlled Documents for use in your website or knowledebase.

Write & Publish Version Controlled Content

Reliably manage changes & versions of multi-author content with Git-based worfklow.

Write multi-format content as Text.

Nyana offers a versatile model-based markup system that adapts to any content structure or style you require. Whether it's for technical documentation, academic papers, blogs or website pages.

Our platform supports a wide range of formats, with a plugin-development interface to extend to new custom markups.

- Markdown,
- LaTeX,
- Diagrams (FlowCharts, Sequence Diagrams, Journey Diagrams),
- Interactive State Machine Representations,
- Spreadsheets,
- Tables,
- Image-Maps,
- Html
- Relational Data.

Publish with Version Control.

Systematically Publish version controlled Knowledgebases, Wikis, Blogs or Pages in your Website with custom style, branding & access control in a few clicks. Example Wiki